While not a cure, HIV undetectable means better health and prevents HIV from being passed through sex. HIV is never passed through casual contact.
The medications available today that keep people with HIV healthy – called antiretrovirals (ARVs) – work to reduce the amount of virus in the body to levels that are so low that it is not detected by a viral load test. The vast majority of people who take their medications every day are able to get and keep an undetectable viral load.
With ongoing ARV treatment, HIV is a manageable health condition. With ongoing medical care and treatment, a person with HIV can live a long, healthy life, and have children without HIV.
Left untreated, HIV can cause serious illness and even lead to death. The most important thing is to get connected to care and take ARV medications as prescribed.
Get the care and support you deserve.
Find Help for HIV Medication and Care
The first step to getting HIV under control is getting treatment. People living with HIV in Louisiana can get help to cover the costs of treatment, care, and insurance. Learn more and see if you qualify for assistance
Taking antiretrovirals (ARVs) as prescribed is the best way for someone with HIV to get and stay undetectable. When HIV is undetectable, it is not passed through sex. In other words, undetectable is untransmittable.
Services for People Living With HIV
There are many services available to people living with HIV. Not only medical care, but services for housing, mental health, substance abuse, and more.

Get answers to frequently-asked questions about HIV treatment. Why it matters, how well it works, when to start, how to get to and stay undetectable, and more.

Living Well with HIV!
From diagnosis to care and treatment, real people share their journeys living with HIV. How they overcame the struggles they faced and went from surviving to thriving.