Hepatitis C
It’s Time for a Change
It’s Time to Eliminate Hep C.

In Louisiana, it’s estimated that at least 40,000 people, if not more, suffer from Hepatitis C, making it one of our state’s most urgent medical conditions. Though many people may be infected and not know, it’s a virus that can lead to liver failure, liver cancer and death. It must be stopped. With the availability of a highly-effective treatment that can cure Hepatitis C, the Louisiana Department of Health has created an elimination plan to fight back against this deadly virus. Take action, and together we can see our state become Hep C free.
What is Hep C?
Hepatitis C is a virus transmitted through blood and causes severe inflammation and scarring in the liver; often resulting in chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, liver cancer, and death.
As the opioid epidemic increases, the rate of new infections continues to grow at a dramatic pace. With access to better testing, treatment and a true cure, now is the time to eliminate Hep C.
Hep C risk factors include:
- Sharing drug injection equipment
- Tattoos in unsterile environments
- Exposure to infected blood
- Infected organs used in an organ transplants
Hep C Can’t Hide
Find Testing & Treatment Centers, Syringe Services, and More
Information For Providers
It takes all of us to eliminate Hepatitis C. See how you can help.