This group meet-up is for boys and girls, ages 11-14 years old. Project AIM encourages young people to envision bright futures, make plans to reach those future goals, and to learn what behaviors can prevent them from a successful future.
This group meets for 6 weeks, 2 sessions per week, for 50 minutes each session.
African-American Boys’ and Girls’ ages 14 to 18, are invited to join a group of teens to learn about values, healthy relationships, sex education, with the goal of preventing teen pregnancies. BART emphasizes ethnic and gender pride and the sessions will be facilitated by 2 adults, ideally one male and one female.
This group meets for 8 sessions, 1 session per week, for 90 minutes each session.
WISE Guys is a a meet-up for guys ages 12-18 years old. This group is designed to teach young men about healthy relationships, values, self-esteem, goal setting, and so much more, with the goal of preventing teen pregnancies.
This group has a flexible schedule and can meet from 5 to 12 weeks for 1 hour each session.
Region 1
Heroes of New Orleans (HONO)
Office Phone Number: 504-381-5150 (Office)
Physical Address: 3712
Anson Street, New Orleans, LA 70114
Key Staff Contact: Sprintza S. Cosey, Director of Youth & Family Resources, Email: scosey@heroesofnola.org
Region 2
Metro Health (Baton Rouge Black Alcoholism Council—BRBAC)
Office Phone Number: 225-338-9333
Physical Address: 950 East Washington St. Baton Rouge, La 70805
Key Staff Contact: Shirley Lolis, Executive Director/CEO, Email:slolismetro1@gmail.com
100 Black Men of Baton Rouge, Ltd.
Office Phone Number: 225- 356-9444
Mailing Address: 2050 N Foster Dr, Baton Rouge, LA 70806
Key Staff Contact: Michelle Taylor, Executive Administrator,Email: michelle@100blackmenbr.org
Region 4
Acadiana Cares (CARES) Office
Office Phone Number: 337-233-2437
Physical Address: 809 Martin Luther King Drive Lafayette, La 70501
Key Staff Contact: Gilbert Brown, Prevention Coordinator, Email: gilbertb@acadianacares.org
Region 5
(Updating Information)
Region 7
Oasis Outreach Group Office
Phone Number: 318-655-0296
Physical Address: 1431 Russell Rd. Shreveport, Texas 71107
Key Staff Contact: Cynthia Dunlap, Director, Email:dunlapca@live.com